Anwar Sarwat

Principal Environmental Consultant and Technical Manager

DEPA de 3ème cycle in Environmental Management, Université Internationale Senghor, Alexandria, Egypt/Quebec, Canada (Third Level Academic Degree)

Post-graduate Studies in Experimental Ecology and Aquaculture, Biology Department, University of Rome II (Tor Vergata), Rome, Italy (Second Level Academic Studies)

Bachelor of Science in Zoology, Faculty of Science, Alexandria University, Alexandria, Egypt (First Level Academic Degree)

Dr. Sarwat is a zoologist with specializations in the fields of Experimental Ecology and Aquaculture and a third level academic degree (equivalent to a professional Doctorate) in Environmental Management. He is the former supervisor of the Environmental Development Department at the West Delta Regional Branch Office (RBO) of the Egyptian Environmental Affairs Agency (EEAA) located in Alexandria. He has been the Project Manager for numerous projects and has prepared a large number of Environmental and Social Impact Assessment (ESIA) studies covering a variety of sectors, including Tourism, Oil & Gas, Agriculture, Mining, Infrastructure and Industry.

Moreover, he has carried out numerous activities related to biodiversity preservation and ecological assessment studies embracing various locations and different ecosystems throughout Egypt. His experience in the field covers terrestrial, freshwater and marine ecology. Since he joined Environics, he was involved in all the terrestrial ecology studies performed by the firm, either as separate studies or as part of ESIAs. In addition, he has contributed to numerous achievements in different other environmental fields including EIA review, coastal zone management, solid waste management, hazardous substances and waste management, and industrial audits/inspections.

He has also carried out several ESIA and biodiversity training activities involving trainees from the EEAA, RBOs, industries and Governorates. He has completed numerous assignments commissioned by multinational firms (such as BP, BG, Shell, StatoilHydro, Occidental Petroleum of Qatar, Chevron), international consultancy firms (ERM, UK; Dorsch Consult, Germany; CES, South Africa; Taller d’Enginyeria Ambiental and IH Cantabria, Spain), international donors (including USAID, GIZ, KfW, JICA, CIDA, FINNIDA and DANIDA), and international organizations (UNESCO, IFC, World Bank, EBRD, AfDB and MAP). He has a full understanding of the standards and requirements of international funding agencies, particularly in relation to Environmental Impact Assessment and Biodiversity Conservation.

In this respect, he has prepared several ecological reports considered as pioneer studies among the environmental consultancy community in Egypt, including Critical Habitat Assessment (CHA) studies carried out as per EBRD and IFC requirements, Biodiversity Action Plans, Assessment of Ecosystem Services and selection and preservation of offset areas. He has local and international experience as he participated in development projects related to the rehabilitation of fish resources in Italy and Canada, in addition to other assignments carried out in Libya and Qatar.

He is an Environmental Consultant certified by the EEAA in the fields of: Preparation of Environmental Impact Assessment Studies – Management of Production & Service Projects and Economic Activities in Natural Protectorates – Preparation of Biodiversity Studies.