United Sugar Company of Egypt (USCE) intended to expand the operation of its sugar refinery at Sokhna Port to include a wastewater metropolitan interceptor sewer (MIS) plant.
The MIS plant was to produce 60 – 70 m3/day of effluent with a TDS concentration of approximately 5%.
Environics had prepared the EIA study for the refinery, and USCE commissioned Environics to investigate the wastewater disposal options for the MIS effluent.
Environics investigated three different wastewater disposal options:
1- discharging the treated effluent to the sea using a marine outfall or a marine barge;
2- wastewater injection underground aquifers employing deep or shallow wells;
3- evaporation ponds for the untreated wastewater.
The investigation study included conceptual designs and descriptions of the basic components of each option, with a discussion of the advantages, disadvantages, and estimated costs.
The study recommended resorting to the first option, and Environics prepared a report on the preliminary cost estimates for the marine outfall system.