Development of Cleaner Production Strategy and Action Plan

Among the activities of the Egyptian Pollution Abatement Project (EPAP) was the development of a Cleaner Production (CP) and action plan for the Egyptian industry that fall within the overall context of the national policy. The strategy and action plan were to concentrate on the role of the Egyptian Government, and the initiatives and policy instruments which it should put into practice to promote the implementation of CP in industry, with particular focus on industrial production processes. Nevertheless, the scope of the strategy and action plan encompassed the manufacturing processes and other related internal activities including on-site recycling and reuse of waste. EPAP commissioned Environics to develop the CP strategy and action plan.

Environics prepared a national CP strategy and action plan that first set the goals of the strategy and identified the objectives and action items. The strategy then proposed the institutional arrangements required for the cooperation among the involved bodies. Based on a number of set criteria, three action items were selected to be included in the action plan to be initiated by the industry unit of Egyptian Environmental Affairs Agency (EEAA), which is the agency’s CP focal point.

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