Feasibility Studies for Environmental Upgrading of Galvanization Clusters


The Environmental Management & Technology Fund of The Egyptian Environmental Initiatives Fund (EEIF) provided technical and financial support to small and medium enterprises (SMEs) in the Delta and Alexandria region to comply with the environmental laws and regulations.

This support firstly necessitated the preparation of feasibility studies for the projects to be funded. Within this context, feasibility studies were required for the metal galvanization workshops in Meet Ghamr city, Daqahilya Governorate, to comply with the Egyptian environmental regulations through the introduction of an integrated waste management scheme in the area.

Environics was contracted to conduct the needed study and prepare its relevant documents.

Environics investigated 14 galvanization workshops forming a cluster in Meet Ghamr to develop an integrated environmental management scheme. The study comprised:
– Inspection of the existing situations and environmental problems, which included: descriptions of the production processes, and assessments of the water consumption and wastewater volume, characteristics, and existing streams;
– Development of alternative schemes for remedial measures, which covered in-plant and in-process modifications and end-of-pipe treatments;
– Preparation of a treatability study;
– Selection of proposed solution, and
– Providing an economic assessment of the alternative schemes of a central treatment unit

Based on the study, Environics prepared a tender document for the chosen wastewater management scheme of the galvanization cluster at Meet Ghamr.

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