Phase II Site Investigation for a Cosmetics Company


A cosmetics company was in the process of purchasing a parcel of land in the 10th of Ramadan City, which was previously used for other activities. This necessitated assessing the contamination status of the land for ensuring safe future operations and avoiding liabilities. The company contracted Environics to carry out a Phase II site assessment (SA).

Environics conducted the SA according to the requirements of BS 10175: 2000 – Investigation of potentially contaminated sites – Code of practice and BS 5930: 1999 – Code of practice for site investigations.

The assessment was an intrusive investigation that first entailed researching the previous site uses and inspecting the site for signs of contamination so as to determine the locations for drilling boreholes.

On-site measurements of various parameters, including Volatile Organic Compounds (VOCs), were taken. A large set of parameters from the soil and groundwater, taken at different depths of the boreholes, were sampled for laboratory analyses.

Based on the results, the environmental status of the site was benchmarked.

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