Dow Mideast’s plant had started operations in Egypt in 1997 to produce fully formulated polyurethane systems for a range of applications including transportation, thermal insulation, appliances, and footwear. Dow was in the process of ensuring that its waste management system is efficient and environmentally friendly.
To that end, Dow commissioned Environics to prepare a study to investigate the possible options for optimizing the management of industrial waste.
Environics carried out site visits and collected and compiled data to prepare the study, which aimed at assessing the existing management practices of production and laboratory waste, as well as investigating possible options for the management of each type of waste. In addition, the study provided recommendations for more effective hazardous waste management. The study discussed:
– Waste management and its legal framework;
– Onsite waste management at the plant, which comprised the waste sources and recommendations for better management practices;
– Offsite management, which comprised the treatment/disposal possibilities, recommendations, and legal requirements of transport contractors.