ESDD for an Egyptian Oil and Gas Company


An Egyptian oil and gas company contracted Environics to conduct an ESDD study, which was required as part of the assessments to grant the company a bank loan for the purpose of developing its concessions.

The ESDD study aimed to provide an independent and objective evaluation of the company’s environmental and social policies and practices in their existing gas fields against the standards and guidelines of the International Finance Corporation (IFC) and the Equator Principles.

Environics reviewed the environmental and social system of the company to check its compliance with the Equator Principles, the Egyptian Health, Safety and Environment (HSE) legal requirements, and the IFC performance standards and general Environment, Health and Safety (EHS) guidelines.

The review was done for the on-shore and off-shore facilities of the three joint venture companies of the company.

The review included:
– An overview of the HSE Management System (HSEMS)
– An investigation of the implementation practices of the HSEMS
– An assessment of the HSEMS against the Equator Principles and IFC requirements

To produce the review, Environics revised the relevant documents, held consultation meetings and interviews, and conducted on-shore and off-shore field visits and audits.

One joint venture company site audit comprised both operation and construction activities, with focus on reviewing the HSE performance, including the adoption of HSE contractor management procedure.

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