Preparation of a Study of Water Efficiency in Egyptian Industry


The Ministry of Trade and Industry (MTI) had embarked on the development of a strategic approach and policy tools for Water Efficiency in Egyptian Industry, with the support of The EU supported Trade and Domestic Market Enhancement Program (TDMEP).

Although the focus of this assignment is on water efficiency in industry, its overarching objective was to contribute to the sustainable management of the natural resources within the Egyptian industrial sector.

This assignment entailed extensive research, as well as stakeholder consultation through a number of workshops and individual discussions.

The final output of this assignment was a report composed of the following sections:

· Detailed description of the existing status, including:
o Overview of the Egyptian industrial sector
o Status of industrial water use in Egypt
o Water pricing and billing
o Water consumption data
o Strategies/Visions
o Legislative and regulatory review

· Discussion of the potential for industrial water efficiency
o International practices
o Existing water management practices in Egyptian industries
o National experience in selected sectors

· Analysis of the baseline status
o Stakeholders mapping
o SWOT analysis

· Vision statement and strategic framework
o Vision (alternative vision types; first workshop contributions; preliminary vision and elaboration; final vision statement)
o Strategic objectives
o Scope of activities at different management levels
o Strategic approach (approach to facility regulation, strategic approach to cluster regulation, and approach to national level interventions)

· Policy framework and proposed policy tools
o Different policy types
o Policy tools selection criteria
o Proposed policies and their implementation tools

§ Policies for fulfilling data requirements

§ Policies restructuring wastewater management

§ Policies demanding water management related requirements

§ Interrelations and mutual support between policies

§ Policy achieving an economic and environmental balance between growth and scarcity

· Support system

· Future considerations

· Policy drivers

· Timeline

· Roles of different entities for collective policy implementation

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