Review of the Legal Environmental, Occupational Health and Safety Requirements for SC Johnson Wax Plant located in Belbies

  • SC Johnson was preparing the environment, health and safety (EHS) Master Plan for the different activities of Egypt plant located in Belbies. In this framework, the company commissioned Environics to compile and analyze the obligatory Egyptian EHS laws and regulations applicable to the activities of the plant, in order to be able to set, review and improve the EHS follow up, planning, compliance and performance improvement.
  • Environics’ scope of work encompassed a desktop review of the environmental register to understand the different activities, as well as a site visit to update information about the company’s components and understand any new modifications that were carried out by the company.
  • Moreover, Environics reviewed the current and planned components at the plant and identified the associated EHS aspects. The legal Egyptian EHS requirements were determined, as relevant to these aspects.
  • The EHS legal review was addressed in two matrices as follows, including the relevant activities/aspects, summary of the applicable/reference legal requirement, responsible department/person at the company, and the activity’s frequency:
    • Environmental legal review matrix; and
    • Health and safety legal review matrix.

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