Social Impact Study (SIA) and Economic Study for Burullus Black Sand Mining Project

  • The Egyptian Nuclear Materials Authority (NMA) was exploring and evaluating the black sands deposits along the Mediterranean coast, as part of a comprehensive black sands assessment project.  The objectives of the project were to outline all area for occurrence of mineral sand deposits, to determine the areas of high potential for mineral yield and to conduct a feasibility study for mining.  This project required a several studies, among which was an Environmental and Social Impact Assessment (ESIA).  Coastal and Environmental Services (CES) was commissioned to carry out the ESIA according to the requirements of both the World Bank and the Egyptian authorities.  CES assigned Environics a number of sub-studies of the ESIA, namely, the hydrological study (baseline and ground and surface waters), the economic and social study, and the ecological study.
  • Environics conducted meetings with concerned stakeholders, surveys using tailored questionnaires, and relevant document research to prepare the Social Impact Assessment (SIA) study and economic study required for the ESIA.  The studies covered the major organizations of the area, such as the agricultural and fishermen corporations, the development NGOs, and resorts management, as well as the concerned populations of the administrative divisions of Burullus.

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