Wastewater Inventory for 7 Electrical Appliance Production Facilities

  • Environics has been assigned by Olympic Group to conduct a wastewater inventory for its 7 facilities.
  • The inventory aimed at identifying the sewage system within each facility and developing a WW layout for each facility indicating the number and location of the discharge points and identifying/confirming the discharge frequencies and quantities.
  • In this context, for each of the seven facilities, Environics conducted field surveys, interviewed concerned personnel, reviewed and analyzed the available WW data and documents, investigated and described both domestic and industrial wastewater discharges.
  • For each facility, Environics prepared a report including findings of the visit and detailed description of WW system, supported with a drawing of domestic and industrial streams, manholes, and precipitation pits.  Recommendations for future compliance sampling and analysis were also provided in the reports.

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