Development of a Management Plan for the Sallum Marine Protected Area (MPA)

The main objective of the assignment is to elaborate a management plan for the Salloum MPA in Egypt based on a preceding thorough assessment-diagnosis report.

Environics was commissioned by the The Specially Protected Areas Regional Activity Centre (SPA/RAC) to carry out this assignment over two phases.

  • Phase I activities include:
    • Data collection from different sources
    • Use of satellite images to provide a preliminary identification of the study perimeter and develop descriptive maps.
    • Consultation with governmental project stakeholders during the inception consultation workshop.
    • Carrying out a preliminary analysis of relevant institutional and regulatory framework to be reflected in the management vision.
    • Carrying out a detailed SWOT analysis to highlight the Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities and Threats of the MPA.
    • Analyzing data to highlight the main information gaps.
    • Developing a management plan framework, indicating strategic objectives and priority actions.
    • Obtaining feedback from the client and the Egyptian Environmental Affairs Agency (EEAA) through a consultation and presentation workshop.
  • Phase II activities include:
    • Carrying out a field visit for a rapid assessment of the current status of the MPA coastal area, as well as interviews and meetings with local governmental officials and local community leaders.
    • Using collected data to fill information gaps, and to refine the MPA outputs carried out during the first phase and, eventually, the study perimeter.
    • Scrutinizing institutional, organizational and regulatory aspects relevant to the MPA to address management and investment strategies, including identification and role of relevant stakeholders.
    • Dividing the area into management zones based on the ecological and socio-economic characteristics of the MPA, in order to carry out the complementary activities of biodiversity conservation and sustainable use of natural resources.
    • Investigating the required staffing, equipment and capacity building; budget and self-financing mechanisms and specific conservation actions, including routine and focused monitoring programs.
    • Developing a detailed implementation timetable of the management plan over a five-year period.
    • Obtaining feedback from the client and the Egyptian Environmental Affairs Agency (EEAA) through a consultation and presentation workshop.


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