Environmental Audit & Compliance Action Plan (CAP) for NCIC Chemicals Complex in Fayoum Governorate

  • El Nasr Co. for Intermediate Chemicals (NCIC) commissioned Environics to carry out an environmental audit and prepare a Compliance Action Plan for its chemicals production complex in Fayoum Governorate.
  • Environics scope of work included:
    • An Environmental Audit for the complex located in the industrial zone in Kom Oshim, Fayoum, and that encompassed the following:
      • Field Inspection to investigate the potential environmental aspects and how to manage them.
      • Review of relevant documents: Permits, Registers, Emergency Plan, Training and awareness program, environmental policies, HSE Department Organizational Chart, and Waste Disposal documents (Liquid, Solid and Hazardous).
      • Design the Environmental Measurements Plan, that got implemented by the complex management via Chemical war labs of MoD, accredited by EEAA.
      • Based on the preceding, Environmental Compliance Aspects were identified, as well as aspects that necessitate improvement in order to achieve continuous environmental compliance.
    • Environmental Compliance Action Plan for Fayoum complex according to EEAA form that was issued by Inspection and Environmental Compliance Central Department. The plan was based on the findings of the environmental audit, and included: the measures needed to comply with environmental requirements, with clarification of the immediate actions and the long-term measures according to a timeframe and relevant responsibilities required for implementation.
  • Moreover, Environics provided technical support, coordination and follow-up with EEAA in order to obtain the approval of the Industrial Development Authority (IDA).

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