Environmental & Social Management System Review for Petrosilah Concession, Fayyoum

  • The Egyptian General Petroleum Corporation (EGPC) and Merlon International Inc. operate a producing oil and gas field in Fayoum Governorate under the joint venture, Petrosilah. For funding purposes from the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD), the bank retained D’Appolonia S,p.A. to prepare an Environmental & Social Action Plan (ESAP) in accordance with EBRD guidelines.  Accordingly, number of areas requiring external assistance to satisfy EBRD Performance Requirement 6 (PR6) were identified.
  • Environics was commissioned to complete specific requirements of the ESAP including:
    • Reviewing the environmental and social management system to ensure alignment with ISO 14001 & OHSAS 18001 requirements.
    • Developing an approach for inclusion of EIA findings in the ESMS.
    • Reviewing and updating the monitoring system.
    • Identifying sensitive receptors (communities) outside the activity boundaries to include air quality and noise monitoring.
    • Reviewing spot noise monitoring results and identifying locations where PPE must be used.
    • Reviewing and updating the audit process to include Petrosilah activities as well as contractor audits.
    • Preparing specific Social Management System Procedures.
    • Preparing a Biodiversity Impact Assessment (BIA) study, with a focus on Critical Habitat.

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