- The preparation of an EIA for a metro line was unprecedented in Egypt, since the lines previous to Line 4 were constructed before EEAA’s laws and guidelines were amended to impose stricter regulations in 2009.
- The EIA satisfied the Egyptian laws and regulations, as well as the requirements of Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA) and the Japan Bank for International Cooperation (JIBC).
- The EIA accepted by JICA and the National Authority for Tunnels (NAT) in January 2010, is published by NAT
- The scope of the EIA included the pre-construction, construction and operation phases of the project.
- Impacts on physical, biological, socioeconomic & man-made environments were assessed, including impacts on archeological and cultural heritage sites, and suitable mitigation measures were proposed.
- The assessment covered the proposed on-site activities, as well as the transportation of the generated waste to the waste disposal sites.
- The impacts of the environment on the project components were also assessed.
- The EIA comprised a Resettlement Policy Framework (RPF), which included household survey presenting the socio-economic conditions and perspectives on the project; policy and entitlements for land acquisition and settlement; public consultation and grievance mechanism; monitoring and evaluation, and implementation schedule and estimated budget.
- EIA Addendum for project modifications, comprising construction and operation of new stations and associated tunnel route modification, as well as a new high voltage station. The addendum approved in September 2010 is published by EEAA: http://www.eeaa.gov.eg/arabic/main/guides/Addendum%20Final%20English.pdf
- ESIA for the design study of the proposed expansion area of Metro Line 4 was also prepared in 2012.