ESIA Studies for BP’s West Nile Delta (WND) Gas Development Project

  • Environmental and social consultancy services and technical support to the project’s phases at the sites of Idku, Motobus and Rosetta.
  • Comprehensive baseline studies, including an extensive ornithological survey of the birds of Lake Burullus Protected Area, as well as ecological surveys and air and noise monitoring;
  • Detailed socio-economic study of the local community at Idku, including holding informal and structured Key Informant Interviews (KIIs), as well as Focus Group Discussions (FGDs), with various stakeholders, such as: Idku City Council employees, members of the Local Popular Council of Idku, fishermen, farmers, tradesmen, workshop owners, female community leaders, etc., as well as carrying out a Socio-economic Household Survey;
  • Support to the ESIAs, including public consultations.

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