Social Assessment within the Scope of the Egypt Electricity Grid Reinforcement Project (Sadat City, New Itfih, West Mallawi)

  • Egypt Electricity Grid Reinforcement Project is part of the Egyptian national grid strengthening plan. The European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD) is financing the project and that required Environmental and Social (E&S) Assessment for its components to guarantee compliance with local/national legal & permitting requirements, EBRD Performance Standards (PS), relevant European Union requirements, as well as requirements of other International Financing Institutions (IFIs), and adhering to the Equator Principles and relevant international conventions and protocols.
  • Environmental Resources Management (ERM) was commissioned by EBRD to carry out the following tasks and cooperated with Environics, which carried out the project’s social assessment:
    • Project description and identification of relevant associated components, activities, processes & operating procedures.
    • Analysis of relevant applicable local, regional & national laws and regulatory requirements, and review of the compliance of the project with these requirements, including Rehabilitation Action Plan (RAP), if available.
    • Review of the baseline conditions including the physical, biological & socio-economic environment.
    • Analysis of the potential environmental & social impacts and risks of the project in all its stages, in addition to the residual impacts, if available.
    • Recommendation of measures to avoid, minimize, mitigate or compensate for each  adverse future impact, issue and/or risk.
    • Scoping assessment to review the feasibility and design of the planned transmission lines.
    • Developing an ESAP to outline action required for any additional studies and ESIA disclosure, as well as monitoring and assessment of the associated transmission lines.
    • Evaluating the compliance status of the Project (and associated transmission lines separately) with EBRD PRs.
    • Environmental & Social Audit to assess EETC’ s current operations including: Environmental & social policies and procedures, Health & Safety systems, pollution prevention measures, waste management, public interaction, as well as other systems and procedures in terms of compliance with national laws & applicable international performance standards.
    • Prepare Stakeholder Engagement Plan (SEP) in compliance with the PR10 covering all 4 substations & the associated transmission lines.

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