EIA for the Drilling of BP Egypt’s Ha’py A-18 Well, Eastern Nile Delta

  • BP Egypt was planning to drill an exploratory well, Ha’py A-18, in the Ras El-Barr concession of the Eastern Nile Delta.
  • Environics carried out the EIA required for the project according to the legal stipulations of the Egyptian Environmental Affairs Agency (EEAA) and the Egyptian General Petroleum Corporation (EGPC), as well as the requirements of BP.
  • The EIA covered the project’s components and processes, identified the potential environmental impacts, and presented environmental management and monitoring plans.
  • The baseline survey covered the physical, biological, & socio-economic environmental elements of the project’s site, including:
    • Climate and meteorology; hydrodynamic processes; tidal variation; seafloor bathymetry and sediments; hydrographic parameters; water and sediment quality, and earthquakes,
    • Communities of the marine ecology, fish, hot spots and spawning area, and animals and birds, and
    • Fishing activities and marine traffic.

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