- NCIC was in the process of establishing an industrial complex to the west of SIDC industrial area, for the production of phosphate and compound fertilizers. The complex included 9 plants and service units, as well as exportation facilities that were to be established at the existing maritime pier north of Sokhna Port. According to the Egyptian law and regulations, this project is a Category C project that requires a full ESIA, which Environics was commissioned to prepare.
- The ESIA study addressed the project’s construction and operation phases, and included specialized studies, namely: Air Dispersion Modeling of the stack emissions; Risk Assessment study of liquefied ammonia storage; and Review of the EIA for the desalination plant. A public consultation meeting was held at Suez to address the proposed project. It was headed by the Suez Governor and NCIC Chairman. Findings of the meeting were addressed in the ESIA final report.
- The ESIA covered: the legal and administrative framework; description of the project (industrial activities, service units, inputs, outputs, and the environmental aspects accompanying construction & operation); baseline environment in the project area (physical, biological, socio-economic); analysis of the project’s alternatives; assessment of the potential environmental impacts and proposed mitigation measures; an outline of the Environmental Management and Monitoring Plan, as well as results of the project’s public consultation.