- Kapci Coatings was planning to construct a new production plant in the industrial Zone, Port Said Governorate.
- Environics was commissioned to prepare an EIA study to assess the potential impacts of the project on the environment at the proposed site, and represent means to improve the environmental performance during the different phases of the project by preventing/limiting the potential negative environmental impacts and enhance positive impacts of the project.
- In this context, Environics has conducted a site visit to the existing Kapci facility with the purpose of reviewing the current production processes to facilitate the write up of the EIA study for the new project. Main observations related to EHS aspects at Kapci site and recommendations for improvements were provided.
- Environics prepared the study that covered the construction and operation phases of the project. It included the following: a background on the project, the scope and objectives of the study, the relevant applicable legal framework, a description of the production processes, emissions and potential wastes, a description of the current environmental profile in the project area, the different project alternatives, assessment of potential environmental impacts & mitigation measures, the Environmental Management Plan, and a summary of the consultation meetings that were held with the stakeholders and concerned parties.