ESIA and QRA for the Egyptian Indian Polyester Company (EIPET) Plant in Port Said


The Egyptian Indian Polyester Company (EIPET) was planning to establish a facility for producing Polyethylene Terephthalate (PET) at ElRaswa Industrial Area, South Industrial Zone, Port Said Governorate. The facility was to produce bottle grade PET resin, with 80% of the product intended for export, while the remaining 20% was to be directed to the local market.

Environics conducted site visits and reviewed the relevant documents to prepare the ESIA, which covered the construction and operation phases, encompassing:
– The PET production process within the facility premises,
– The Effluent Treatment Plant (ETP) and the discharge of the treated water, and
– The raw material and product storage.

The ESIA included an overview of the relevant policy, legal and administrative framework and a detailed description of the project comprising its location and layout; process and plant description; utilities; inputs, outputs, wastes and emissions; construction activities, and labour and accommodation.

The study also described the baseline physical, biological, and socio-economic environments, where the latter covered the administrative structure; demography; economic activities; cultural activities and archaeological areas; employment; education; infrastructure; health, and stakeholder consultation.

The ESIA presented the project alternatives, assessed its impacts and discussed their mitigation measures, introduced the Environmental Monitoring Plan (EMP), and covered the public consultation activities and their results.

The QRA was carried out in order to identify the potential risks associated with the different processes to draw conclusions about the acceptability of the on-site/offsite risk exposure.

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