Scoping of Impacts of October 6th Monorail

  • Bombardier and Orascom submitted a proposal to the Egyptian Government and Ministry of Housing (MoH) for a monorail project connecting 6th of October City to Cairo central. The MoH, represented in the New Urban Communities Authority, requested further details. Bombardier and Orascom, along with Arab Contractors, formed a Joint consortium and developed a detailed proposal for connecting to existing and proposed transportation systems, including the metro. In parallel, MoH formed a committee to look into alternative systems and routes.
  • An ESIA is required for this project. Environmental Resources Management (ERM) and Environics were commissioned to carry out the scoping required to facilitate discussion and agreement with EEAA on key focus areas for the ESIA and to meet the first stage ESIA requirements of international financial institutions.
  • The scoping aimed at:
    • Providing information necessary for project proponents, ESIA consultants and stakeholders to anticipate the key environmental and social aspects of the project;
    • Provide consistent information for initial stakeholder consultation & engagement;
    • Define detailed scope of work for the ESIA to ensure a focused and appropriate assessment is undertaken to meet regulatory and lender requirements.
  • The scoping comprised:
    • Project overview and institutional and regulatory context;
    • Method, baseline conditions, and baseline technical information;
    • Scoping of risks and impacts;
    • Consultation and engagement, as well as stakeholder engagement plan;
    • Proposed approach to ESIA.


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